Be gay do crimes Cross Stitch Pattern - instant PDF Download
A little on the origins of "be gay do crimes":
'”Crime” is the word used to describe the survival tactics many marginalized people must use to survive under capitalism, one reason queers are among those most likely to be locked up. Especially if you also happen to be trans, PoC, sex worker (especially post-SESTA/FOSTA) or just any identifiable type of lower caste. ‘So what else should we do besides thumb our nose at the very idea of law? We’re still out here risking arrest, filling up the frontlines, countering fascists in the streets. ‘We’re still out here risking arrest just to stay fed, housed and alive while waiting to drown in boiling sea water and no cis-gay winning elected office has done a whole lot to change that material reality. But expropriating entire shopping carts worth of video games, art supplies and baguettes to redistribute amongst all the poor gay kids like faggot Father Christmas has at least brought us some comfort. ‘So I guess the slogan means we’re done negotiating with mainstream gays over respectability. We realized being a gay criminal is the coolest thing you could be and war on bourgeois morality is the coolest thing you could do.’"
--Io Ascarium (who is arguably responsible for today's popularity of the phrase).
This pattern couples queer anarchist rallying cries with grandma-made-this charm. It's designed to fit in a 7" embroidery hoop when stitched on 18ct aida. It also features the colors of the Transgender Pride flag in the flowers.
Size: 5.75" x 5.75" (on 18ct aida)
Stitches used: X stitch, backstitch, beads (or French knots)
Colors: 8 (plus beads or a metallic floss)
Difficulty: Difficulty: ⚫⚫⚪⚪⚪ Easy
Formats: ZIP file containing 4 PDFs
Symbols-over-color 1-page (for digital devices) and 4-page (for printing), B/W Symbols-only backstitch guide (with color backstitch lines), and a high-res scan of a finished piece.
Special thanks to my test stitcher, Lisa, for the beautiful sample stitch and photos.
See graphic for finish sizing at different aida counts
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